LipSync Documentationbeta

Welcome to the new online documentation for LipSync Pro and Lite.
This area will be updated with new information and tutorials when available.



This page is a roadmap for upcoming features and releases. While we can't guarantee that releases will happen on a particular day, some rough dates have been provided where possible.


  • Intensity from Volume Module Update - July 2019

    Update to the Set Intensity from Volume module that will add filtering options and a better workflow for defining the minimum & maximum marker intensities and how they relate to the audio volume.
  • Marker Cleanup Module Update - July 2019

    Update to the Marker Cleanup Module that will allow smarter discarding of markers including filtering based on phoneme, and re-timing of markers to more evenly fill gaps left behind.
  • LipSync Pro 1.51 - August 2019

    Update to the Marker Cleanup Module that will allow smarter discarding of markers including filtering based on phoneme, and re-timing of markers to more evenly fill gaps left behind.

Coming Soon

The following items are the most set in stone and may have definite dates.

  • LipSync Lite 1.5 - May 2019 Delayed

    Update for LipSync Lite, bringing it back to the Asset Store and in-line with version 1.5 of LipSync Pro. Update: Unity rejected the update due to how it's packaged (even though this is the same as LipSync Pro). We're looking into ways around this.
  • Documentation Update - Throughout July & August 2019

    Additional pages documenting new AutoSync features, editor windows and updates to existing pages.
  • Google Cloud Transcription Module - September 2019

    The first of the online cloud-based modules. This will allow linking to a Google Cloud account (must be set-up manually) and getting a transcript of your audio automatically for use with the MFA module or similar. Note: This will require a 3rd-party account and may incur costs based on usage. Make sure you understand Google Cloud Speech-to-Text pricing structure before use.
  • French and German Language Models for MFA - August 2019

    The first of the new Language Models for the Montreal Forced Aligner Module will be French and German. These will be compatible with the standard Preston-Blair phoneme set and will include a Phoneme Map for the Prosodylab phonetic alphabet.

Further Out

These items may have longer timescales or be difficult to predict when they'll be ready.

  • New Montreal Forced Aligner Language Models - Q3 2019 and beyond

    Adding support for some other languages to the MFA module. This will include Presets, Phoneme Maps and, where applicable, alternative Phoneme Sets, tailored to get the best results. We can't say for sure which languages will be available or when, but the most likely ones will be Mandarin Chinese, Russian, or Spanish.
  • Other Cloud-based Modules - Q4 2019 and beyond

    Similar to the Google Cloud Module, offering online transcription using other cloud services such as Microsoft Azure or IBM Watson. Watson specifically may also bring an experimental Emotion Detection Module, using their AI sentiment analysis service to markup a transcript with likely emotions, map those to LipSync Pro emotions present in the project and then use an aligner (e.g. MFA) to time the resultant emotion markers.
    Similarly, these can incur pay-as-you-go charges or require subscriptions depending on the service owners.
  • LipSync Pro 2.0 - 2020

    LipSync Pro 2.0 is an entirely new product, built from the ground up to include all the functionality of the current version 1.x while making use of Unity's newest features, including DOTS, the Playables API and UIElements.
    This is a long-term project and it shouldn't be expected to release before these Unity engine features are deemed production-ready. The plan is that this new iteration of LipSync Pro will form part of a new facial & cinematic animation suite. More information will follow later in the year, but rest assured LipSync Pro will remain supported and up-to-date with Unity into the new decade.





Editor Windows & Inspectors